Thursday, December 24, 2020

The Disaster Club

Welcome to The Disaster Club 
You're only allowed if you know disaster 
And you will (all of our members know it well) 
Our club song is on any radio station 
There are so many disaster songs 
Come some placid Tuesday in the very early 
Morning hours, or we can find you at that time
Our membership card is saturated hate & 
Broken and disjointed love & pitch black 
Darkness and dysfunction--it all eats our card 
Carrying members alive and so so slowly it
Is The Disaster Club's specialty so now you
Fight it or run run run like Hell & never look back but 
You may just run right into our arms
You'll only know us from now on, we'll relate so well 
We will welcome you with a smile & a pat on the back
Our latest addition, your darkest addiction
Welcome to The Disaster Club.